Many people have compiled lists of the signs that distinguish a gentleman. Some lists include useful concepts, while others simply contain the author's personal preferences. We have found that there are three essential qualities that show a man to be a true gentleman-no matter what his individual style preferences may be.
- Mindfulness: He is considerate of others' needs. Without letting others have their own way at his expense, he shows chivalry and courtesy to his fellow beings. In business situations, he actively thinks of how best to accommodate everyone's goals and create win-win situations.
- Dignity: He maintains his good manners even in difficult situations. He learns how to maintain his aplomb when others can't, and is never boorish in social situations.
- Impeccably dressed: His attire demonstrates self-confidence and an understanding of his own value in society. By choosing to wear high-quality clothing that fits him perfectly and lasts for years, he shows that he appreciates the finer things in life and makes wise investments.
As one integrates these qualities into our lives, he is assured that not only will he be confident that he has developed the character of a gentleman, but that others will recognize those qualities in him, as well.